Maxim 5: Loglans increase rationality.
This is New Age SWH, taken now not as a
hypothesis to be tested but as a theory to used. The idea is that,
since Loglans incorporate logic and logic is at the root of
rationality, speaking a Loglan will make for more rationality. The
shift from hypothesis to guiding principle is alrady present in much
of Whorf at least, so the move is not unprecedented, And, as in
Whorf, it functions at several levels, personal, global and
political. Sometimes it is just the speaker who becomes more
rational; sometimes it is that a world with many Loglan speakers
would become a more rational world; sometimes it is that, should
Loglan become the language of diplomacy and law, the world would
become a more rational (and, hence, peaceful and pleasant) place.
Aside from the problems with SWH as a
description of anything, this view also relies on the rather tenuous
connection of Loglans with logic and upon the connection of logic
with rationality. To be sure, it is rational to accept the
conclusion of a valid argument from premises you accept and less
rational not to. And logic (in the present sense) provides a direct
means for determining that a valid argument is valid. So, it is a
useful tool in the pursuit of rationality. Logic (in a slightly
extended sense) also usually provides a tool for finding that an
invalid argument is not valid, may even – more usefully – suggest
both arguments that are like the present one but clearly wrong and
also suggest claims that, if they were premises, would make the
argument valid but are clearly false. Both of these are useful in
countering bad arguments, whether in a debate or in one's own
reasoning. But this is not all there is to rationality and for these
other part, logic has little to do.
There is, first of all, the issue of
those premises from which we draw conclusions. Some of them may, of
course, be conclusions from other premises, but most are not in any
formal sense. They are the products of experience, and education,
and conversation, and thinking in less structured ways, never of
formal argumentation. We think they are true and suppose them to all
hang together in a consistent whole (logic can say something about
this point), but in fact they are rarely examined, even (especially?)
by philosophers, the purported paragons of rationality. So, we may
rationally move from minor errors to catastrophes in a perfectly
rational way. But we are inclined to think that people who hold to
beliefs that result in clear conflicts with reality are irrational.
If so, then logic has even less to do with rationality, for many such
people hold beliefs that follow quite validly from their core beliefs
and if these seem to conflict with what other sees as happening, then
those others just have misunderstood the real situation (countless
contemporary cases will spring to mind).
But even supposing that logic had more
to do with rationality than it does, the notion that knowing logic
thoroughly makes one more rational could easily be quenched by
attending a meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic. It will
be filled with the same political bickering, petty back stabbing, sly
thefts and digs as any other academic meeting – not even better
disguised. And, of course, there is always the famous 20th
century logician who wrote a paper brilliantly demonstrating that
substitutional quantification was the proper way to do metatheory –
and then spent the rest of his life claiming that the paper had
totally demolished the claims of any such metatheory (and, as an
added point, he called himself a nominalist).
Since logic (let alone Loglans) does
not seem to have anything to do with individual rationality, it seems
unlikely that a leaven of Loglanists in the world would raise the
level of rationality. The leaven principle does occasionally work,
as most revolutions – and maybe some cases of less violent but
equally significant social changes – show. But the baking soda or
yeast is missing here, and, even if people were more logical, that
would not, as noted, necessarily make for a more rational (or
otherwise better) world.
Only in the matter of a Loglan as the
language of diplomacy, of the framing of laws and treaties and the
like, does there appear a chance that something of this maxim might
make sense. If the legislation or treaty were written in an
unambiguous language, then many of the quibbles that have fed
disputes, suits, and wars would be avoided. But the Loglans are only
syntactically unambiguous, so this only solves such disputes: whether
a condition applies universally or only to the last mentioned case,
for example, or (maybe) whether a clause is motivational or
regulatory (“a well regulated Militia, being necessary for the
security of a free State” or some such). But beyond that, there
are the words that fill between the logical connections and there is
no guarantee in the Loglans that they are unambiguous. To be sure,
the tendency in vocabulary creation has been in that direction since
very early on (Brown was rather loose, but computer scientists have
long been in control and they constitutionally are not). Single
concepts have been divided and subdivided for greater accuracy
(although this is not strictly about ambiguity). And one would
expect the same and more if the task were given over to lawyers and
diplomats. But at least the latter are also notorious for tact,
wording an unpleasant claim in a less unpleasant form, and thus for
words that are fuzzy (not in the strict logical sense, perhaps).
And, in the press of events, a fuzzy term can be brought into two
quite different focuses, each favorable to one side and not the
other: a tactful demand can be called a polite suggestion, and so on.
That is, however much a Loglan might reduce the area of permissible
disagreement, it cannot remove most of the main points of contention.
Finally, the obvious needs to be said.
Nothing in the Loglans prevents lying or flags it when it occurs.
Nothing in the Loglans prevents a word from having a negative,
pejorative, dismissive or scurrilous connotation, even if every
effort is made to keep such factors out of its definition. So,
Loglan discourse can be as loaded as one wants, spreading good will
or ill by seemingly factual claims. One might take this to be good
news, since it means that the Loglans are actually languages (though
it should be noted that, unlike Esperanto, there are no reported
cases of Loglans actually being used in these ways, in spite of some
tempting situations). So, assuming stooping to invective is
irrational, Loglans have no special innoculation against it.
John, thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt took me a lot to read all your thoughts on Loglans, but it lit some light on the place of Lojban among other constructed languages. I'm still willing to study Lojban to get a new experience but now I don't expect it will result in some extraordinary shift in my thinking)
By the way, there is Part IV?